
31 January 2004
"The trappings of a state of siege trap us in a state of fear ..."

Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis open up their new collection of essays with the extraordinary speech - "A Prayer for America" - that Dennis Kucinich...
08 January 2004
If you want to get your political juices flowing early this crucial election year, reading George W. Bush vs. The Superpower of Peace by Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis should do the trick.

  The book’s subtitle, How...
08 January 2004
Newcomers to the city often wonder how exactly did the Columbus Public Schools get so profoundly screwed up? If the Chamber of Commerce wanted to really give people moving into Columbus the truth of why the school system is so bad, they...
28 December 2003
A Review of We are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism, Edited by Notes from Nowhere collective; Verso Books, 2003

      (AGR)-- There is a rumbling beneath the global foundation of money and...
17 December 2003
I hadn't seen Jackson Browne in five years and I was really excited. The last time I did see him, all I can clearly remember was the beautiful gold trimmed bouquet of white flowers that Jackson had given me. This was the first gift...
15 December 2003
COLUMBUS, OHIO---"I'm running for Queen of the World," says Bette Midler, who may already have won the title.  "I'm sure I can do a better job than that schmuck in the White House."

For those of you unfamiliar with the...


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