
21 November 2023

John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the National Security State on Nov 22nd, 1963. Every high school textbook in the country says the same thing, which is that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK from the Texas School Book Depository in broad...

25 October 2023

It’s amazing how America’s thought-controlled media is able to come up with a suitable narrative almost immediately whenever there is an international incident that might be subject to multiple...

08 October 2023

Originally published 2016

According to a recent Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) report, cancer of the cervix was the 14th most common malignancy among Minnesota women. Cervical cancer was also listed...

04 September 2023

August 15, 2019

 “Instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science and encouraging honest, open and responsible debate on the science...

02 August 2023

69 years ago an all-Christian bomber crew dropped “Fat Man”, a plutonium bomb, on Nagasaki, Japan, instantly annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, a disproportionate number of them Japanese Christians and permanently or...

14 July 2023

“A riddle wrapped up in an enigma” is a shortened form of a quotation made in October 1939, just one month after the Second World War had begun, by Sir Winston Churchill in a radio broadcast to...


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