
07 March 2019


How the House voted, Feb. 13, 2019, 248-177, to end it:...

01 March 2019

Charlottesville, Virginia, has yet to take down its racist statues (the ones all the fuss has been about or any of the other ones). Charlottesville has yet to ban guns from public events. It blames the state legislature in both of those...

24 February 2019

The U.S. State Department uses public funds and public employees to market private products designed for mass killing to foreign governments. Few corporations have benefitted more from this socialism for the oligarchs than Boeing. In...

25 November 2018



    My boarding pass displayed the dreaded SSSS.

I knew something wasn’t right when I tried to download my boarding...

22 November 2018

If you are a journalist and you discover something that is clearly unethical, and possibly even illegal, and you choose to report it what happens next? Well, you could win a Pulitzer Prize or, on the other hand, you might wind up hiding...


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