
08 June 2005
Vicente Fox got a well-deserved boot in the derrière for saying Mexicans come to America for taking jobs "not even Blacks want to do."

But Thomas Friedman earns plaudits and Pulitzers for his column which today announces that...
01 June 2005
Itinerant pundits touching down briefly in Paris lost no time in stigmatizing the French for their resounding Non! in Sunday's referendum on the proposed Constitution for Europe. The French were charged with selfishness, self-absorption,...
28 May 2005
In Guatemala sexual harassment is not illegal. In El Salvador and Honduras hundreds of thousands of children work illegally. The minimum wage for a Nicaraguan manufacturer worker is $55.74 a month, less than what a U.S. union worker with a...
24 April 2005
Telephone interview by Bernie Dwyer for with Professor Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 28th August 2003.

[Bernie Dwyer] A couple of...
21 April 2005
On Jan. 11 Guatemalan President Oscar Berger spoke to a group of reporters in Guatemala City about ongoing protests against a World Bank mining project in the northern part of the country. He said that his government had to establish law...
17 April 2005
The travails of Mordechai Vanunu continue.

Last week, the Israeli government indicted the former nuclear technician on 22 counts of violating restrictions it had imposed upon him last April. A hearing date has not yet been...


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