Right now, there is an opportunity to potentially have a major impact on the energy legislation. Some are saying that at this point, House Speaker Jon Husted is leaning towards leaving nuclear energy out of the substitute bill he is drafting.  From what we are hearing, he simply doesn’t think that nuclear power makes economic sense.  To increase the likelihood that nuclear is left out of speaker’s substitute bill – it would be great to generate calls and letters to Husted’s office urging him to leave coal and nuclear energy out of the renewable standard.  

Suggest calls or letters start by thanking the Speaker for his support of renewable energy – treat him as an ally.  As with other outreach, we should also include energy efficiency in the messaging.   

Here is a sample phone script: “Hi, my name is ___________.  I am calling to thank Speaker Husted for his support of renewable energy and to urge him to remove coal and nuclear power from any future versions of SB 221. If Ohio is to safeguard consumers from future high energy prices it is important that the states invests in least costs resources, such as energy efficiency, rather than expensive coal and nuclear.  I would be happy to leave my name and address for a response from the Speaker.”   

Jon Husted (R) Speaker of the House
77 S. High St., 14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 644-6008
Fax : (614) 719-3591
Email Address: district37@ohr.state.oh.us  

Also a call or letter to your State of Ohio Representative would be useful. You can find their contact information at State Representatives