
Bob Sheak, who lives just outside of Athens, Ohio, is an emeritus professor of sociology at Ohio University.

Articles by Author

05 September 2013
The stupidity of Obama's sanctioned attack on Syria Bob Sheak

Obama appears to be sinking deeper into his war- making plan on Syria. He has...
23 August 2013
Bradley Manning, whistleblower, leaker of "classified" information, who was held for about 3 years in pre-trial detention by the Obama government, over a year...
05 July 2013
President Obama presented his climate change plan to the nation on June 25. He committed himself and his administration to the overarching goals of limiting...
02 May 2013
Environmentalists of all stripes support policies to expand solar energy and wind energy, among other “renewables.” Indeed, solar and wind are viewed across...
30 March 2013
About 97% of climate scientists have endorsed or substantiated that concentrations of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere have increased at an...
09 February 2013
President Obama has not lived up to his promises about curtailing global warming, the engine at the center of disruptive climate change. He and his...
