
03 November 2004
Dear America,

I want a ride on the Elephant.

You are now Republican through and through. You are ‘God’s Country.’ In the Senate, in the House and in the Presidential offices. Your new Supreme Court nominees can overturn...

01 November 2004
My sister attends classes at a small Catholic school just twenty miles outside of Pittsburgh. The area is mostly white, suburban and situated in what pundits affectionately call the heartland. This time of year, towns like hers appear on...
01 November 2004
There is one block of as yet undecided swing voters at this late date. For those of us on the left, both independent and affiliated Greens who are still thinking hard about our vote, consider these themes on why greens should support Kerry...
01 November 2004
Columbus, Ohio- was responsible for bringing Michael Moore to the Palace Theatre this past Saturday night. When I arrived to cover the event I was unexpectedly ushered to the basement for an impromptu press conference. When...
24 October 2004
Can anyone cite one instance where GW Bush voiced concern about the welfare or liberation of the Iraqi people BEFORE his war, and before he was sworn in as president?  There is no evidence that Bush has demonstrated any concern for any...
24 October 2004
Three quarters of Americans surveyed say they admire Laura Bush, while only one third have a favorable view of Teresa Heinz Kerry. The result is unsurprising because this is a misogynistic country that insists its First Ladies must play...


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