
21 September 2023

It’s 10 p.m. at Montrose Harbor in Chicago. Kiko and Tamar help me step from the dock into the wobbly rowboat. Kiko rows us out to the Golden Rule and I climb aboard in wonder. Oh my God! This is it – the 30-foot, anti-nuke sailboat...

06 September 2023

Freedom’s just another word for . . . blowing up your children? Giving them cancer?

Militarism is obsolete, for God’s sake. Its technology is out of control. The latest shred of news that has left me stunned and terror-stricken is...

12 July 2023

Free Press readers may know that Dennis Kucinich is the campaign manager for Robert F Kennedy Jr.  He has had a long standing relationship with Bob Fitrakis and the Free Press.  Recall that Congressman Dennis submitted...

20 April 2023

When Israel launched a war against the Gaza Strip in August 2022, it...

20 April 2023

Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly...


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