
COLUMBUS - More than 275 concerned Ohioans attended a rally at the Ohio Statehouse Thursday then marched along High Street to greet President George W. Bush as he made his way to a $2,000 per person fund-raiser for his own re-election.

State Rep. Dan Stewart (D-Columbus) led a group of elected Democrats and labor leaders as they pressed Ohioans to speak out about the failed economic policies of the Bush administration and work to bring new leadership to the nation that will focus on the needs of middle class families and Ohio workers.

"Today we are playing 'Truth and Dare,' not 'Truth or Dare'," Stewart said. "We are here today to tell the truth and dare to do what is right."

Ohio Senate Minority Leader Greg DiDonato (D-New Philadelphia), Ohio House Assistant Minority Leader Joyce Beatty (D-Columbus), U.S. Senate candidate and state Sen. Eric Fingerhut (D-Shaker Heights), David Caldwell, president of the Columbus-Franklin County AFL-CIO, and Dave Reagan, president of Service Employees International Union 1199 led the enthusiastic crowd.

Folk singer Connie Harris entertained the onlookers before they marched to the Hyatt Regency Hotel where Bush hosted a contingent of wealthy Ohioans who contributed $2,000 each to be in his presence.

Senator DiDonato said hundreds of jobs are leaving eastern Ohio and little is being done by the president to stop the pain. The Bush economic plan has shattered the state's economy.

Bush Record in Ohio and the United States Jobs Lost - Ohio - 220,700 jobs since Bush took office. 3rd in the Nation behind California -298,200 and New York, 302,600 Manufacturing Jobs Lost - Ohio - 151,800 3rd in the Nation behind California - 297,700 and Texas 156,200

Unemployed Ohioans September 2003 - 337,100- 7th Highest in the Nation

United States - 3.2 million jobs lost under Bush. 2.5 million manufacturing jobs lost under Bush. 37 straight months of manufacturing job loss - Ohio lost 5,800 more manufacturing jobs in September.