
Today at Noon, on March 20th 2003, 76 or more Columbus Alternative High School students stood up for what they believed in. Inspired by Anti-Flag, The Clash, Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Paine and their own beliefs they walked out. United from different social groups, different races, different everything! They called the Media, and it seemed to be a pretty good turn out. It all begun with a few Amnesty International meetings at the school and wound up making high school history. The protest was to coincide with the national International Answer Walkout at 12:00 PM. The leaders of this cause, despite strong discouragement by their principal led the walkout peacefully and silently. They knew the consequences and were willing to face them. All in the name of freedom, peace and unity. The students gathered in the school's courtyard and proceeded to the front lawn of the school, for the sake of thought that it may "disrupt" the fellow student's learning environment. They stood out there playing Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Bob Dylan, and many other peaceful musicians' works. They carried signs, made tee shirts and put the peace sign up every time a car would pass. In a seemingly Republican neighborhood, 99.5% of the people that passes were in support of the students. As for the administration, it was grim. The principal attempted to herd the student's back into the school and threatened disciplinary action against them. They kept standing. Eventually, a neighbor across the street called the police and they arrived. At first they threatened (the law enforcement) to arrest us all, so some left. It became a siege of 26 people against 3 cops, and the school's head figures. The police kept threatening, the students continued. Some were fearful, others more willing to stay to make their point. The point seemed well taken. The protest ended, as promised at 1:06 P.M and the students returned to the building. One that stayed behind was arrested. (We are still not sure as to why, he commited NO CRIME) But that's the law. When the students entered the building they were met with respect and support of their fellow peers. They do not know what their punishment will be as far as the school is concerned but it will be thought of as a day when they made a honorable stand for the anti war protest. Some students continued their protesting by going to the 9:00 PM Federal Building Protest. All in all, like American Revolutionaries, these students tried and maybe did make an impact on society and let the world, or the community know that they will not stand for an unjust, illegal war!