One evening in early September 1964, a frightening commercial jolted 50 million Americans who were partway through watching “Monday Night at the Movies” on NBC. The ad began with an adorab...
Twenty-three years ago this month the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon shook the United States and horrified the world. Almost three thousand Americans died. The US launched a...
CNN claims Trump told many lies and Harris just one. Yet, CNN did notmention that Harris repeated that Hamas killed 1200 Israelis on 7 Octoberand that they...
One evening in early September 1964, a frightening commercial jolted 50 million Americans who were partway through watching “Monday Night at the Movies...
DR. NANCY NIPARKO gives us a hot and heavy weather report from Santa Monica.Executive Director ALAN MINSKY of Progressive Democrats of America gives us a...
When asked why his latest map has erased the whole of the West Bank, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retorted with the most detestable answer. ...
Dear Mayor Johnson:We are passionately asking that you not do during the upcoming Chicago Democratic Convention what then-Mayor Richard J. Daley did in 1968:...
Twenty-three years ago this month the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon shook the United States and horrified the world. Almost three...
Our new film Vigilantes Inc.: America's Vote Suppression Hitmen will have its launch opening one-week-run in Hollywood September 6 -12 and a special one...
Everybody Knows plays on WGRN 91.9FM Friday nights at 11:00 PM, and streams live on week Dr. Bob and Dan-o talk about and play songs by artists...