Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum’s rendition of William Shakespeare’s immortal masterpiece Macbeth is a bone-chilling excursion into ambition unbound, bloodlust and madness. As the title character (portrayed by the estimable Max...
Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum goes Bollywood, with Terrence McNally’s India-set A Perfect Ganesh, which opens with a barefoot Apsara (Shivani Thakkar) or celestial nymph in Hindu mythology, traditionally dancing onstage in age-old...
Although the Church Committee's investigation into abuses of the CIA, FBI and NSA was a watershed moment in American history, few books have been written with a focus on Frank Church. James Risen has added to this story by writing “...
That splendid arcadian Shakespearean reliquary, Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum, is
presenting four of the Bard’s dramas – Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Henry VI plus Richard III –
compressed, compiled and edited into a single...
If you are a fan of plays featuring and exploring bravura acting, Hollywood history, LGBTQIA issues, creative stagecraft, feminism, anti-Semitism, one-person shows, illustrator Aubrey Beardsley and more, strap on those running shoes and...
Since October 2022, which marked 75 years since the House Un-American Activities (HUAC) began its witch hunting congressional hearings investigating “subversion” in Tinseltown, there have been a number of events commemorating the...